Irish Toy Collie International
  Home of the darling little tykes who can do it all!
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  Email Address:
      IrishToyCollie (at)

Plese Note: In the relatively
short amount of time our web
site has been on line, we have
been literally overwhelmed with
email requesting breeder
referrals and  asking about
puppy availability.  Honestly,
we were not quite prepared  for this much response!  While we are very pleased and most
grateful for your interest in the ITC, we must ask you to PLEASE remember that this is a very
young, and very closely guarded breed (Note our breeder Code Of Ethics) and finding a puppy
available for adoption as a pet may well take waiting many months or possibly even years.
Before sending an email requesting that you be placed on a waiting list for an available
puppy, please be sure you have read all  of the information on this web site, and are prepared
to offer an NR environment for your dog, as well as to keep in close contact with your breeder
for the dog's lifetime.  Your breeder will absolutely be requiring you to sign a  detailed contract
requiring NR care, among other things, and will be completing a "home check"  process before a puppy is placed in your home.  If you feel committed to upholding these requirements
and are prepared to wait for what may possibly be an extensive period of time,  then  by all means, email us and we will be happy to keep your request on file.

Please follow the following guidelines in composing your email :

Subject:  Puppy Desired, [name of country, name of state or province]

Body of text:  Your name, your preferred email address, whether you have a preference as to
                     sex and color of puppy.   Also state a time frame in which you are willing to
                     wait for an available puppy, and how far you may be willing to travel to
                     acquire a puppy.  

Follow this by stating what dog experience you have hed, whether you have followed
the NR method with previous or current pets (please give details), and a brief description of
the the type of home you have (apartment, small house with fenced garden, etc.) and day to day lifestyle your dog will have in his home with you.

After that, give as much detail as you wish regarding your interest in the ITC breed, or any
other comments you would like us to have on file for when we contact you.

At this time, we can not promise how quickly we may be able to respond, and we fully
appreciate your patience with our situation.

Thank You For Your Overwhelming Interest In Irish Toy Collies!